Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 1:Pots,Soil,and Seeds 日一:盆子,土子,跟種子

First attempt at gardening. We got the box from Friar Tuck. All the wine was sold, and they gave us the box for free (although, when we tried to get another box on another day, the cashier said we had to pay). Anyway, we bought the soil from Meijer: Miracle Gro, Garden Topsoil. The seeds were brought here from Taiwan. Charlene's sister, who also started her own home garden, brought her seeds over. The weather has been crazy this year. Winter wasn't really all that cold all the way at first. But it turned cold late, without much snow. And then Spring wasn't that great a contrast. So the flower were a little late in blooming this year. So we also just planted today...June. A little late, but we'll see how that works out. The sunlight has been erratic as well. So we'll hope.

On the left, all the top small pots are cacti we bought from Meijer's. The bigger pot in the middle and the smaller pots at the bottom are all Pansies. In the box, we planted Ocra on the left column, Chilli at the back row, Lavendar at the back right, Parsley and Basil on the bottom right, and Asparagus in the middle. A mix of veggies and flowers.

我們從Friair Tuck拿了他們用來裝紅酒的木箱子(不過後來我們要再拿的時候他們就說一個要五塊錢。害我們之前還很小心翼翼的把剩下的幾罐酒從我們看重的一個木箱子挪到另一個箱子去...)我們又從ㄇㄞ ㄦ (Meiher) 買了土 (他的名字直接翻過來好像是叫做"有神奇威力之頂級庭園用土"。種子是小妹咪仔幫我買,大妹佩仔幫我宅配到Champaign的。今年的天氣一直翻來翻去的不大穩定。冬天雖然沒有很冷,也沒下很多雪,不過很晚才開始。這就拖累到之後春天的進度啦。因為這樣今年的“春花“們也很晚才開。總而言之,我們今天終於破土動工了..六月一號。好像遲了一點。希望種子們夠堅強,可以長出來。

在圖一的左邊,有看到一些小盆子嗎?那是之前從ㄇㄞ ㄦ買來的小仙人掌。前面一點的大盆子還有地上的小盆子中的是三色瑾。在木頭箱子裡面,在最左邊那一排,我們種了秋葵。中間那一排的後面是辣椒,前面是蘆筍。在右邊一排的後面是薰衣草,前面是之前種的室內香料(從那些小盆移植過來的,因為他們好像有點長不下去的樣子)。前面是美國的九層塔,後面是香菜。所以我們種了一箱的花跟菜!呵呵。

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